The Protocol

Our medically developed weight loss protocol and smarter lifestyle choices education offers dieters what they really want…a structured program that can put an end to constant dieting.


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Weight Loss 101

Have you tried other diets before? You are definitely not alone. Many of our dieters come to us having already tried several other diets. Lots have had excellent results too, however, when we ask each of them how they lost the weight nearly all give us a blank stare. We often get this reply, “I don’t know; we just ate the food they gave us.”

This is unacceptable, especially since the facts about how we gain weight and how we lose the fat aren’t rocket science.

In this section, my purpose is to clarify and demystify how we gain and lose weight and how we keep it off forever.

But first, let me draw back the curtain on the diet industry, then I will tell you exactly how the body works in order for fat to be targeted and used as your main energy source in a safe and natural manner that works with your body.

The Dark Side Of The Diet Industry

There are no secrets or shortcuts to how we gain and lose weight, in spite of the media bombarding you with empty promises and quick fixes otherwise. In addition to all the hype and manipulation, there are several stubborn and widespread myths about how to lose fat that also have not delivered promised results

  1. Eating Balanced;
  2. Eating Less;
  3. Exercise.

Doesn’t common sense tell us that secrets, shortcuts and stubborn myths are not getting the job done? If common sense doesn’t, then statistics sure do!

The Canadian Statistics on Epidemic of Obesity

People struggling with the challenges of obesity and being overweight ….60%

Finally, the diet industry has not delivered on it’s promise of sustained weight loss. The statistics reporting long term results are deplorable- greater than 95% of dieters gain back all their weight and more within three to five years and some obesity experts even say 100%!

All diets can work to create weight loss but the dieter should be careful to ask what weight is being lost?

Weight Loss 101

Now that we have been to the dark side and back, let’s shed a little light and common sense on exactly how your body works to gain and lose weight and to keep those pesky pounds off forever.

Your Body Is A Fat Storing Machine

Wait a minute? I thought we were done with the dark side. Did you know that it is normal to gain weight? The body was designed to store fat naturally. This too is common sense. If you were 120 lbs and gained 60 lbs, although unfortunate, it would be totally natural without even trying. However, if you were 120 lbs and lost 60 lbs, that would not be natural or normal. You would be racing to get to the hospital to see why you were sick.

Our body is designed by nature to gain weight; it is an ancient survival mechanism to store fat in order to survive and extend the species. Do nothing different and you will gain weight naturally.

This explains normal weight gain but what about being overweight and in many cases obese. What’s the problem? Really?

It’s a metabolic issue. Our bodies store fat when we eat too many carbohydrates that naturally become glucose(sugar) in our blood. Understand that we need glucose for energy, thinking, and numerous other important functions. The problem is that we are getting too many refined and processed sugars creating a real flood of blood glucose which our body must handle.

The pancreas is the little banana-sized gland that deals with the over abundance of sugars in the blood. It has many roles in digestion but three that are vital to how fat is stored in our cells.

  1. Insulin balances blood sugar by providing the cells with glucose for energy.
  2. Insulin also store blood sugars as fat when there is too much sugar too often in our blood.
  3. Insulin traps fat in the cell until the insulin levels are lowered over time.

In short insulin is the metabolic key for storing fat. Insulin is the fat storage hormone of our bodies.

The fat storing, pound gaining sequence of events is simple: we eat too many carbohydrates daily; it becomes our largest diet intake. Cause and effect means that the pancreas must do its duty in lowering the sugars and storing extra sugars as fat. It becomes vicious circle of fat gain and resulting health concerns, all directly related to hyper-insulinemia.

That is how we gain weight. It is the inevitable, metabolic, cause and effect sequence of too much insulin in the blood because of too many carbohydrates in our diet.

How Then Do We Target Fat Loss?

The only way to reverse this sequence is to do the opposite of what is causing it. Restrict the amount of simple carbohydrates being consumed so that he pancreas will receive a much needed rest from all its sugar overwhelm.

A useful analogy for understanding fat loss is the everyday chequing and savings accounts almost everyone has. Think of carbohydrates as your chequing account and muscle and fat as your reserve, savings account. Given what we now know about too many carbohydrates and sugars in our blood, we can easily understand that we have been fueling our bodies much like we do our chequing accounts. Money in- money out. Carbs in and carbs out. Our carbohydrate tank is being filled and emptied on a daily basis. So much so that our bodies never really get to the savings accounts of muscle and fat to use for fuel.

This makes sense when you understand that your body uses your food as energy in a certain sequence. It always uses carbohydrates for energy first. If we continue to refuel with carbohydrates on a continuing basis, the body never gets to the reserve fuel sources of muscle and fat.

To target fat then , become a simple process of manipulating your diet by restricting carbohydrates so that the body must naturally, simultaneously, and automatically use it’s other two fuel sources of fat and muscle. This is the way the body is designed to survive. What would happen if you suddenly were deprived of all foods. To survive, your body would naturally use it’s fat for fuel. If you then were careful to hunt down a rabbit or two to look after your muscle, then your body would just use its fat for fuel.

Now you know exactly what to do to target fat. You simply co-operate with the way the body was naturally designed to survive and keep you alive. This just makes sense! My grandma always use to say, “The only thing common about common sense is that it is not very common!”


Ideal Weight Control - A Virtual Clinic is Authorized to Use the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and Products. The testimonials on this website are those of the individual that is identified, you should not necessarily expect to receive these results. Typical results vary from person to person and individual to individual when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.

Operating Virtually to serve clients in Alberta and Canada – Phone: 403-863-1681

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